Thursday, October 11, 2007

Introducing Alyssa Lillegard Photography

Hello Everyone, welcome to Alyssa Lillegard Photography. I'm so excited that I am finally starting up a little something to share my work with you. This is a next step for me, and I can't wait for this new adventure.

My Story:

I knew that I wanted to be an artist at a very early age. Singing, drawing, acting, and creating in general were always my specialties as a young child. I discovered right away that I was a child that preferred to stay inside and draw a new picture, or create a new project, rather than venture outside to ride my bike or climb trees. I had at one time attempted to climb a tree next to my house, but found out that the bark gave me a rash, and while I was capable of riding a scooter with some sort of agility, I didn’t learn to ride a bike without training wheels until I was eight (but this is all beside the point).

When I would tell my teachers at school what I wanted to be when I grew up, they would smile and say how nice it was that I wanted to be an artist. I don’t really think they thought back then that I was serious. I meant what I said when I was a child, even though I had absolutely no idea what kind of artist I wanted to be. I couldn’t be a dancer, I totally lacked skill, I found that out in tap dance class, and I couldn’t play an instrument for a living, I had quit piano, and refused to practice on my clarinet away from band class. So I was left to think about where my path would go.

I don’t remember the exact age I fell in love with photography, but I do remember I was Freshman in High school w hen I asked my mother for my first “real camera.” I had, had about half a dozen camera’s since then. The plastic one that didn’t take any pictures, a hot pink one that was totally a product of the 80’s and 90’s, and a small blue camera that still has it’s first roll of film in it. I have a hard time developing film that I have taken for myself. I remember the joy I felt when I got a camera, an even better one than I had asked for. My first real camera was a Nikon Film Camera that I had to wind up the finished film by hand. I loved it, and still do. I loved the way the camera felt in my hands, and I loved that just for a little while my camera was the only other “person” that knew what I was feeling at the time.

I felt the healing in my soul as I discovered something I loved, something that I found was my passion. Photography was something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But it wasn’t until I was a Junior in High school that I really decided I needed to become a photographer.

So here I am four years later, still learning (like I always will be), and still plunking away at what I love. I think I have my fiancée hooked on a camera, and I’ve almost convinced him to buy another camera! He decided he liked to take pictures while we were in Europe. I hope he enjoys it as much as I do, and this can be something that we do together.

Our Story:

Josh proposed last December when he was home on leave after he got back home from Iraq. He came up the escalator at the airport in his uniform, said hello to his family, and then proposed to me right there in front of everyone. Apparently half the town already knew I was getting engaged before I did.

His time home came and went quickly, and in January I decided it wasn’t enough for me to spend another six months apart, so I packed up my things, and in March I moved to Germany to live with him for two and a half months. Josh got out of the army in June, and we are getting married in November!

My Job:

It’s my job to communicate your story in my photography. I want to know all about what makes you who you are. A good photography can’t be taken without a story behind it. I want to find out who you are, what you love, so I can take pictures that illustrate your personality. I want to hear your story!

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