Monday, February 25, 2008

Fine Art Prints

A few fine art print photos will be posted tonight! Check them out later!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Miss Bentley

I had my photoshoot with the beautiful Miss Bentley and her parents today. What a treat. As most of us know either it's a good day to take a picture, or a bad one! Today Bentley was not having anything to do with the camera. While I got some shots I did like, I'm going back during the week to get the shots I went for! She is so beautiful, as are her parents! I will have a little sneak peek of Miss Bentley soon!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A New Photoshoot Soon!

I haven't posted here in ages, anything of any quality anyway, but I am so excited to say that I have a newborn I will be photographing in two weeks. Hopefully, I will be able to post some new stuff soon! I am so excited. I love babies!

Hope to write soon!

Have a blessed day
