It's been a month already since my last post. I have to get better at posting more often!
Yesterday Josh and I made a trip up to Olympia to take photos of this little guy and his family. Mama (Nicole) and I went to school together. We reconnected by myspace last summer, sending emails back and forth, and planning a get together so we could take some photos. We just now got to meet up and do a little photo session swap! Nicole and Daniel were wonderful, so relaxed and so much fun to talk to. It's nice to see a friend after such a long time. Elijah, their little one was an absolute dream to photograph. I mean seriously, this boy didn't cry once. And when it was time for mom and dad to have their photos taken, he slept in the stroller, and just as we were finishing up his eyes popped open and he just hung out like such a trooper.
Nicole is starting up her own photography business too, so it's old hat for Elijah to have a camera in his face. He was the easiest child I have ever had the privilege to shoot!
And then it was our turn to get our picture taken. Josh and I have a hard time being serious in front of the camera, so I hope we weren't too difficult for Nicole! Here are the very first edits I've done this morning. I don't look at the photos until the next day, so I didn't sleep last night! I got up at 6 o' clock with Josh and when he was out the door at 6:30, I started uploading right away!
Nicole, and Daniel: Your family is so beautiful. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture your memories. There will be some photos of Daniel up soon! Thank you so much again!

This photo was Nicole's idea, and I love how it turned out!

Black and white conversion on my flickr account
Have a wonderful Monday!