#1 on my list? Mail their engagement photos to them... Which is proving to be a harder task than I had previously thought. The weather that we have experienced over the last month or so has been CRAZY to say the least. The last batch of photos I had for my clients never got to them due to the snow! They were Christmas presents for family members... Talk about a bummer Christmas with no photos to give, so on the 23rd Josh and I braved the icy roads, as did my wonderful clients, and we met halfway. Christmas was saved, I was relieved and my clients were happy.
Today, I'm sitting here with Chad and LeeAnn's photos sitting next to me, ready to mail, but I can't leave our apartment complex due to the massive flooding. I will have to wait till tomorrow until the water goes down... Hopefully... It's started raining again, so hopefully I can get out to the post office, and hopefully my lovely husband can make it home to me at the end of the day!
So here are a few photos of the lovely Chad and LeeAnn!

This one makes me so excited for the wedding. I want blow this up and
put it on my wall. I knew I would love this when I took it! It's so fun!

And there you have it! The lovely Chad and LeeAnn!
Hopefully it won't be such a long time before I blog again. Have a wonderful rest of the week!
God Bless,