Things have been a little slow for me since Josh and I got home, and I've been dying to get out and do a session. This nice spurt of weather that we are having has inspired me so much, and I had no sessions scheduled to use all my ideas on! I asked mine and Josh's friend Megan if she would like to come out and model for me with her boyfriend Scott, and she jumped at the chance. I'm so glad she agreed to do the session. I was as excited as she was for the session. Scott wasn't too impressed, but he was definitely a trooper and I think made it through the session alright. I tried something different this session since I was just out to practice and learn a few more things! (Yes the photos are supposed to be sunny and such. =)Megan and Scott are such a beautiful couple there isn't a bad picture in the bunch. Thank you so much Megan and Scott for taking the time to come out and shoot with me. You are both wonderful. I hope you enjoy a sneak peek at the pictures.

Thank you so much again, Megan and Scott!
Have a wonderful day!